Chicken Tacos Dish


Chicken Tacos


Products :

  1. 2 Chicken Tights
  2. Iceberg lettuce
  3. 1 Avocado, 1 tomato, green onion
  4. Cilantro, tacos, chili paste, lemon juice
  5. Salt, pepper, olive oil and honey

Marinate chicken tights in carne asada spices with 2 tbsp of olive oil or make mix        ( Salt & pepper, onion and garlic powder , cumin, chili paprika , red paprika , savory) 

Clean and chop tomatoes . Transfer them to the bowl. Do the same with green onion and cilantro. Cut thin half of the iceberg lettuce and transfer them to the bigger bowl. Season with salt, 1 tsp of vinegar, 1/2 tsp olive oil, honey and chili paste, set aside to chill. 

Prepare the guacamole. Clean and cut avocado add diced pimientos. Season with salt, garlic powder, chili paste and honey. Smash them with fork,  adding lemon juice. Set aside to chill.

Start frying chicken tights without any grease. After 2 minutes of drying flip them over and cut them into thin strips. Come back to the pan and keep frying chicken for few minutes,  to make sure they are done. Cook rice and serve dish.  Everything separate but on the same plate.