
Home Cooking BIstro


After a good dinner you don’t blame anyone – not even your own family.
Oscar Wilde

Hi I'm Andrew Polish Home Cook, currently living in Los Angeles, CA

It all started years ago with my Grandma. She was my first cooking teacher. She was the first person who showed me what food really is, what it means for family, for people, how important it is in our life, how it can unite people and inspire them. She never used any recipes for her dishes. She just added a little bit of this and a little bit of that and always it was the perfect taste. Always. That is amazing, isn’t it?  I remember that she always silently waited for any signs of appreciation and gratitude from us. Back then I didn’t have a slightest idea why. Now I know. From my own experience. This is so important for any cook! To hear that the meal he or she prepared was delicious, and that people liked it eating with smile and joy. You can instantly tell, you can see it on their faces and in their eyes. Eyes don’t lie, everybody knows that. And then you have this feeling – you feel happy. Happy for yourself, happy for them. This sets you free, you are in own heaven. So now after years of practicing in kitchen with all the grandma’s knowledge about cooking under my belt I am writing everything I know and like for my sons, as my heritage for them. The same way my grandma gave this to me, I am trying now to hand it over to my sons and maybe for some other people who enjoy cooking. I want to tell you my story, my journey through the world of tastes, smells and the relationships between them.  I’m doing this because I want to leave something behind, I want to give those recipes to others and share my passion for home cooking. I love the family atmosphere with everyone sitting together around the table, waiting for this special family dish, for this special one.   

My goal is to show you that even home and everyday food can be tasty, interesting, original and inspiring. I’m sharing with  you dishes from all over the world, dishes probably a bit far from their original recipes but still balanced with taste and really delicious.

And Why Bistro?

Why I called this site

Home Cooking Bistro?

Simply because all of my dishes are not too fancy, actually they are easy and fast to make. You can see them served on nice plates or bowls but they are made in home or bistro style. I just like it that way better. We all eat with our eyes in first place and for me how the dish looks like is important, but it really is all about the taste and the company. That’s why family and friends are so important for us, cooks. We are doing this for you guys. 

All the dishes you can see on my YouTube channel are prepared for 4 person family, so you have to take this into consideration and adjust measurements when preparing meal for less or more people.




I founded here what I’ve been looking for . A lot of new easy to make and to follow recipe which I can adopt to my kitchen. You did inspire me for sure . Txs a lot.



   Thank You for sheering your recipe and experience. In my family home we had the same story, Grandma an her famous cooking. You remind me those times. Txs.



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