Avocado Cold Soup


Avocado Cold Soup


  1. 3 avocados
  2. Cilantro,  2 cloves of garlic
  3. 1 shallot,  salt & pepper
  4. Lemon juice,  agave syrup
  5. Veggie broth 16 oz, Greek yogurt 16 oz
  6. coconut milk 1/2 cup
  7. toast bread, Parmesan cheese

Clean and prepare avocado,  shallots, garlic and cilantro. Put avocado, garlic and veggie broth into the blender. Start blending to get pure,  add cilantro and Greek yogurt. Then coconut milk. Continue blending. Season with salt & pepper,  lemon juice and agave syrup. Put aside  to refrigerator for min 1 hour to cool down.  

Prepare garlic butter: Cut cilantro or parsley,  garlic add salt and mix with butter. Brush toast bread with garlic butter.  Fry toast bread starting from butter side flip over after one minute. Add grained Parmesan cheese and keep frying another 1 minute. Set aside.

Pour chilled  soup to the  service plate. Serve with garlic toast on a side.