Beef Roulade with Red Cabbage Stew


Beef Roulade with Red Cabbage Stew & Potatoes Dumplings 

Products :

  1. Red Cabbage, half onion, 1 apple
  2. Bacon, salt & pepper
  3. Allspice, cloves, nutmeg, vinegar, agave syrup, olive oil
  4. Beef Sirloin, dill pickles in brine, carrot
  5. Mustard, hot paprika, sage, savory, garlic & onion powder
  6. Wild mushrooms ,green peppercorn

Cut in small cubes bacon, onion, apple and red cabbage. Fry bacon and after few minutes add onion then after another few minutes  apples and red cabbage. Pour 2 cups of water, cook slow on medium heat. Slice and smash the meat, Cut into even sticks :  bacon, onion, carrots and pickles. 

Smear the meat with the mustard. Put all sticks on a edge of the meat. Roll it and using kitchen twine secure the rolls. Set aside and season with salt & pepper sage, hot paprika, savory. Using a hand, roll it to spread the species evenly .  To the pressure cooking pot add 2 tbsp of olive oil and fry all meat,  all sides. Remove them when will be brown. To the pot add onion  and fry them to burn it On a burned onion put back the meat. Pour 2 cups of water add few green peppercorn, bay leaves and wild mushrooms. Cover the pressure cooker and cook for 45 minutes. 

To cooked and mashed potatoes add 1 egg and corn or potatoes starch, ( 1/4 volume of potatoes ) plus little of salt. Mix with a hand to achieve  smooth mass. Form 1 inch size balls and make a hole inside ( to cook  dumplings evenly ). Cook them for 2 minutes after floating in salted boiling water. Seat aside. 

Come back to red cabbage and season with 1/4 tsp of allspice, nutmeg, cloves. Add 1/4 tsp vinegar, onion & garlic powder and a little of agave syrup, stir. Remove the meat from the pot and remove kitchen string , add heavy cream and blend it to achieve smooth sauce. Serve with potatoes dumplings and red cabbage stew on a side.