Breakfast Omelette with Asparagus


Breakfast Omelet  With Mushrooms & Asparagus


  1. Two eggs
  2. Asparagus
  3. 2 tsp olive oil
  4. Green onion, mushrooms (oyster)
  5. Diced pepper or tomato
  6. Sour Jam
  7. Chili paste,salt and pepper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cut veggies for really small pieces, few asparagus branches,  few mushrooms ( oysters) and 2 tbsp green onion.

 Beat the eggs and start frying mushrooms on 2 tsp olive oil. After 3 minutes of frying add asparagus  and diced peeper or tomato. Stir and then align. Pour in broken eggs , using a  spoon, spread evenly in the pan. Move the skillet several times and using a cutting  board or lid, slide the eggs from the pan. Turn upside down. After one-minute frying slide into the plate. 

Brush with a Jam  and Chili Paste,  depends on your needs. Garnish with green onions.