Chicken Jelly Dish

Youtube Video Chicken Jelly Dish Use leftover of chicken meat cooked into a  broth. Cut  them  in the small pieces together with carrots, veggies from a broth, smashed with a fork. Divide this mix into small containers and fill them to 1/3 of high. Mix leftover of broth with water half & half and add…

Chicken & Beef Broth

Youtube Video Chicken & Beef Broth Products: 2 carrots, 1 parsnip, 1 leek, 1/2 celery root, 1 onion, 2 green celery fresh parsley, salt & pepper, bay leaves, whole allspice seeds 1/2 chicken, 1 lbs. beef with bone Put both meat into the pot add 1 gallon of cold water and cook on small heat…

Chicken Veggie Soup

Youtube Video Chicken Veggie Soup Products : Chicken tights and legs 3-4 lbs 1 cauliflower, 1/2 onion, few potatoes Few brussels, 1/2 lbs green beans, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 1 parsnip, some green celery   Ginger, lemon and garlic , salt & pepper, dry parsley, sugar Caraway seeds, Maggie sauce, heavy cream and 1 tbsp of…

Chicken Cheese Pasta

Youtube VIDEO Chicken Cheese Pasta Products : Chicken tenders and cheeses:  Mozzarella, Pepper jack, Cheder Olive oil, lemon, fresh parsley, salt & pepper, hot paprika, onion and garlic powder, poultry seasoning Season chicken tenders with salt & pepper, garlic & onion powder, hot paprika & poultry seasoning, season all sides, set aside. Prepare cheese sauce. To…

Chicken Tacos Dish

Youtube Chicken Tacos   Products : 2 Chicken Tights Iceberg lettuce 1 Avocado, 1 tomato, green onion Cilantro, tacos, chili paste, lemon juice Salt, pepper, olive oil and honey Marinate chicken tights in carne asada spices with 2 tbsp of olive oil or make mix        ( Salt & pepper, onion and garlic…

Chicken Roll with Spinach

Youtube  VIDEO  Chicken  Spinach Roll  with Cheese Sauce and Quinoa Products: 4 chicken breast baby spinach, lemon juice,sun dry tomatoes, onion and garlic Feta cheese, color Quinoa Olive oil, Iceberg lettuce and agave syrup Home made ranch dressing ( mayo, sour cream, kefir, salt & pepper, onion & garlic powder , dry dill & parsley…

Chicken Pate

Youtube VIDEO Chicken Pate Products: Whole Chicken 1 lbs. chicken liver 1/2 lbs. chicken hearts ( not necessary ) 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk 1/4 cups of breadcrumbs 2 carrots,1 parsnip,1/2 celery root, 1 onion and 3 cloves of garlic 1 stick of butter, 2 tsp olive oil salt & pepper and  2 sprigs…

Pasta with Cauliflower Meatballs

Youtube VIDEO Pasta with Cauliflower Meatballs Products: Chicken and pork ground meat Cauliflower Spaghetti Pasta Breadcrumbs, milk, salt & pepper Olive oil, 1 egg, herbs de Provence  Gypsy Sauce Iceberg lettuce and ranch dressing Divide the cauliflower into small half-inch flowers, set them aside for while. Into the  bowl with 1/2 cup of milk put…

Chicken Liver

Youtube VIDEO Chicken Liver with Onions &  Apples   Products:  1 onion, 3 sour apples Potatoes, 1 cup of milk  Salt & Pepper, marjoram  2 pack of chicken liver  First You need to clean chicken liver.  Cut all white links what You can see and cut liver in half.  Then pour 1 cup of milk…

Croquette with Chicken filling

Youtube VIDEO Croquettes  with chicken pate filling First You need to make the crapes Ingredients for crapes:  1+1/2 cup of flour  1/2 cup of milk and water  2 eggs  pinch of salt   2 tsp olive oil.     1/2 cup mix of of regular and panko breadcrumbs prepared earlier chicken pate salt         …

Chicken Shishkebab

Youtube VIDEO Chicken Shish Kebab with brown rice spaghetti squash and kale   Products list: two chicken breasts Bunch of Kale one onion one red or green pepper two cloves of garlic one butter squash  Olive oil salt& pepper, chili paprika,sage,coriander,garlic powder and onion powder Before You start You need to prepare chicken at least…

curry chicken

Youtube VIDEO Curry Chicken List of products  two double chicken breasts 1/4 cup of white rice 1/2 onion 1 red paprika 2 cloves of garlic tbsp of fresh cut ginger 2 small carrots  fresh parsley fresh cilantro one stick of lemon grass 1/2 cup of  milk 1/2 cup of veggie broth 1/2 cup of coconut…