Chicken Jelly Dish


Chicken Jelly Dish

  1. Use leftover of chicken meat cooked into a  broth.
  2. Cut  them  in the small pieces together with carrots, veggies from a broth, smashed with a fork.
  3. Divide this mix into small containers and fill them to 1/3 of high.
  4. Mix leftover of broth with water half & half and add right amount of gelatin to liquid to cover all containers to full.
  5. Add salt, 1 tsp of vinegar and sugar to taste.
  6. While cooking , constantly stirring add some dry parsley to the liquid and make sure all gelatin is dissolved .
  7. Pour liquid into containers.
  8. Put them for minimum 6 hour into refrigerator.
  9. Serve them with Mayo or vinegar or lemon juice.