Chicken Veggie Soup



Chicken Veggie Soup

Products :

  1. Chicken tights and legs 3-4 lbs 1 cauliflower, 1/2 onion, few potatoes
  2. Few brussels, 1/2 lbs green beans, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 1 parsnip, some green celery  
  3. Ginger, lemon and garlic , salt & pepper, dry parsley, sugar Caraway seeds, Maggie sauce, heavy cream and 1 tbsp of flour.

Clean and cut brussels into a quarters. Clean and cut potatoes and green beans in the similar size as a brussels. Peal  carrots and parsnip. Continue  the same with cauliflower.

Put washed chicken into salted water. Add carrots, parsnip, celery, leek and onion. Cover and cook for ab 45 minutes. After this time start removing all ingredients. Save carrots an parsnip for future use. Save all chicken meat for future use. Waste onion, celery and leak. If your broth is too heavy or you need more soup you can add some  now. Because I’m going to do another dish I am saving some broth for future use but you don’t have to.

Add potatoes with pealed ginger ( size walnut ), 1 clove of garlic and green beans. Then brussels and cauliflower. Using fork smash saved carrots and  parsnip. Peal and clean chicken meat. And divide them into 3 different plates. First with clean white meat ( for soup).  Second dark meat and skin for other dish and finally waste and bones .

 To the soup add cleaned meat, smashed carrots and parsnip ( if you planning to do other dish save some  veggies, like 2 tbsp ). Remove ginger and garlic and start seasoning with salt & pepper, caraway seeds, Maggie sauce, lemon and sugar. Add mixture of 1 tbsp of flour and 1/4 cup of heavy cream. Finish with fresh or dry parsley.
