Croquette with Chicken filling


Croquettes  with chicken pate filling

First You need to make the crapes

Ingredients for crapes: 

  1. 1+1/2 cup of flour
  2.  1/2 cup of milk and water
  3.  2 eggs
  4.  pinch of salt 
  5.  2 tsp olive oil.   
  6.  1/2 cup mix of of regular and panko breadcrumbs
  7. prepared earlier chicken pate
  8. salt                                                                                                                                                                                          Add milk to flour and 1 egg, mix with any mixer or eggbeater, keep mixing adding water 2 tsp olive oil and salt  to get creamy mixture. 

Warm up the pan and pour mixture evenly in  the pan, fry them for 2 minutes on low/medium heat and then flip over, after  1-minute of frying set aside.

In a separate 3 plates prepare: flour, eggs wash ( 1 egg plus 1/4 cup of milk) and mix of regular and panko breadcrumbs .

It is time to make croquettes. In a center of the crape put chicken pate filling, fold both sides inwards and start roll them tightly to get shaft. When they are all ready roll them in a flour plate, then egg wash plate and finally in a breadcrumbs plate. Set them aside. Pour and heat up frying oil to the pan, about half cup. Put in rolled crapes one by one. Fry them evenly on medium heat, all sides by turning them several times,    ( don’t forget top and bottom sides). Set aside on a paper towel.

You can serve them with favorite dip but they are perfect with any creamy soup