Goulash Soup My Way


Goulash Soup My Way


  1. Pork tenderloin (double pack, two lb.)
  2. 1 pack of mushrooms 8 oz
  3. 1 onion
  4. 1 chicken or veggie broth
  5.  Salt& Pepper, red sweet paprika, allspice, thyme, turmeric,  grand colander, garlic powder
  6. Chili flakes, cayenne pepper,  tomato juice, tomato paste, olive oil, honey and fresh parsley
  7.  And finally 100 mg Flour, 1 egg , 60 ml water, salt and olive oil for noodles

Trim the meat, cut off all  white tendons, then cut them in a 45-degree angle for 1/2-inch thick pieces. Next you need to  cut them into a cubes.  Chop mushrooms, onion  and finally fresh parsley. Now you are ready to start cooking.

 Fry half of the meat using 2 tbsp olive oil,  wait until golden brown. Then transfer meat to cooking pot, separating from grease.  Do it the same with a second part of meat. Next add a little bit of olive oil and fry mushrooms, to golden brown color, adding salt. Transfer mushrooms to cooking pot, separating from oil and start frying onion. You must burn onion  to brown color, then add cup of water add more salt to cooking onion. Transfer onion with water to cooking pot  then add chicken or veggie broth.  Cover the pot and cook for about 30 minutes to meat softness.

 On small fry pan use 2 tbsp olive oil to fry red sweet paprika, (very important)  with other spices: 1 tsp colander 1/4 ,tsp allspice, 1/4 thyme, 1/4 tsp turmeric.

 Cook water on a separate burner using small pot. Make dough from 100 mg flour, 1 egg, 60 ml water and 1tsp of olive oil and pinch of salt. Then using veggie grater, transfer dough to the water to make noodles. Cook them for 3 minutes then drain.

 Add fried earlier red pepper and other species to tomato juice  pour water into the can and add to cooking pot. Add 1tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp maggi seasoning  or soy sauce. Then 1 tbsp honey, 2 tsp tomato paste and  mix for 1 minute. Add another cup of water and 2 tbsp hot paprika and 1 tsp chili flakes (must be hot).

 Finally you need to add   fresh chopped parsley  and noodles, stir gently.  Your goulash soup is Ready

Honestly, The Goulash Soup is the best next day.
