Gypsy Picante Sauce


Gypsy Picante Sauce


  1. Mushrooms 16 oz.
  2. Half Onion
  3. 3 gloves of garlic 
  4. 2 big or 4 small peppers
  5. Celery 
  6. Pickles 
  7. Canned tomatoes 32 oz.
  8. Canned Pineapple 8 0z.
  9. Salt, Pepper ,white vinegar
  10. Tomato paste and  chili or cayenne paprika

Cut onion and garlic, all peppers, 4 sticks of celery and 2 pickles. On 2 tbsp of olive oil, start frying onion, after while add mushrooms. Then add all veggies and pickles. After few minutes of frying, add half cup of water, then canned tomatoes. Stir and let them cook for 5 minutes then add hot paprika and canned pineapple. Add 1 tsp white vinegar, stir and let them cook for few minutes. Transfer mixture to bigger pot and start blending, easy to get smooth souse. In the end add 2 tbsp tomato paste, stir. Cook for few minutes to reduce liquid.

Serve cold or warm. Sauce  is perfect as a   additives to meat, barbecue meat or sausage and fish. Store chilled in jars.