Melon & Cucumbers Cold Soup


Melon & Cucumber Cold Soup with Mushrooms Toast


  1. 1 Melon
  2. 2 Cucumbers
  3. 1/2 cup of kefir
  4. 1 Greek yogurt 32 oz
  5. 1 clove garlic, lemon juice
  6. Fresh mint, olive oil
  7. Agave syrup and chips
  8. Hot dog buns
  9. 1 shallot, white mushrooms 16 oz
  10. Parmesan cheese and Guerrier cheese
  11. Salt & pepper and Gypsy Sauce or other tomato paste.

Cut Melon in half and remove the  seeds. Pull out the pulp to make future service bowl. Peel and cut for smaller pieces the cucumbers (leave few skins for decoration) . Put melon and cucumbers into the blander and bland until puree. Open and add kefir and garlic, then Greek yogurt, salt & pepper. Finally add fresh mint, lemon juice and agave syrup to taste. Put aside to refrigerator for min 30 minutes.

Time to prepare toasts. First finely chop  the shallot. fry them on 2 tsp of olive oil, stirring occasionally until you will get golden brown mushrooms. 

Cut cucumbers skin for thin strips, the same way cut fresh mint. Crush few chips.

Brush each half of the bun with tomato paste. Cover with mushrooms and sprinkle the rolls with the cheese mix. Put in the oven for 10 minutes at 420 F


Pour chilled soup into empty melon bowl. Garnish with mix mint & cucumbers and crushed chips