Pork & Apples Leftover


Pork & Apples Leftover with Potatoes Dumplings 

Products :

  1. 6 Lbs. of Potatoes
  2. 2 eggs and 1.5 lbs flour
  3. Salt and 2 tsp of olive oil
  4. Pork & Apples Leftover

Peel and cook potatoes in salted water. Drain and then dry them on low heat, shaking several times.  Smash them and let them cool down. Cooled potatoes transfer to the bowl. add eggs ( 1 egg for 3 lbs potatoes), add flour ( 0,75 / 3 lbs potatoes ). Mix all ingredients to achieve smooth potatoes mass.

Pick part of the potatoes dough. Roll them until the roll will be 1 inch thin, then cut them into 1/2 inch angle pieces. Cook them in a slated water, adding few tsp of olive oil, up to 2 minutes after float to the top. Then strain them and set aside.

You can serve them with leftover of pork in apples. Just peel and cook 2 carrots. When they are soft,  cut them for small cubes  and put to the pot. 

Cut leftover of pork & apples in the same cubes as carrots. Add to the pot with carrots. Pour leftover sauce, add some water,  if you need to make more sauce. Season with soy sauce and garlic powder. Thicken with cornmeal water as needed. Pour over the potatoes dumplings, Serve in a company of pickled beets or other pickles veggie.