Pork Ribs in Sauerkraut


Pork Ribs with Sauerkraut



  1. Pork Ribs, 4 lbs Sauerkraut
  2. Wild mushrooms 2 oz, 1 onion, 2  peppers
  3. salt & pepper,  garlic powder
  4. caraway seeds , savory, cumin and agave syrup

Season Pork Ribs with any of Your favorite seasoning I used my Gypsy Sauce. Season all sides. Rinse sauerkraut with water and strain. Cut onion and  peppers. 

On a 2 tbsp olive oil, start frying pork, all sides to get a golden brown color.  On the other pan, on 2 tsp of olive oil start frying onion, peppers and mushrooms.

In a baking dish, prepare a bed  from half of the sauerkraut. Put the Pork Ribs on the sauerkraut bed, then onion – pepper – mushrooms mix. Cover with other half of the sauerkraut. Add one cup of water,  cover

 with aluminum foil and put to oven. Set oven to 380 F. 

After one hour baking remove baking dish from the oven,  season with 1/2 tsp of each spice. Turn over cover and put back to oven. After another 1,5 hour  baking it should be ready. 

Serve definitely with horseradish on a side.