Thanksgiving Burger


TG Burger


  1. Ground Turkey 16 oz, avocado oil Bacon, onion, 2 sweet potatoes, cinnamon
  2. Color greens, burger buns, turkey broth (sauce ) cranberry jam
  3. salt & pepper, garlic and onion powder, 1 lemon, agave sirup, butter, poultry seasoning

Cut bacon, onion, yams and color greens as you see at the picture. Prepare turkey patty : mixing yolk egg and 1/8 cup of turkey broth with ground turkey meet. Keep mixing, seasoning with salt & pepper, 1/2 tsp garlic and onion & powder plus 1 tsp of poultry seasoning.

Fry bacon, after while add onion and color greens. Stir for few minutes. Then add 1/4 cup of turkey broth and stir again. Let them cook for while then add lemon juice 1/2 tsp of garlic & onion powder plus, 1 tsp of agave syrup. Keep cooking, stirring occasionally before all juices evaporate.

Meantime into salted water cook sweet potatoes. When cooked dry them and then smash them. Then add 1 tsp of butter, 1/2 tsp of agave syrup 1/2 tsp of cinnamon,  then mix to achieve mushed sweet potatoes.

Using wet hands form meat patty. Fry them on avocado oil both sides ( medium heat ), flipping over twice to make sure there are cooked.

On a 1 tbsp of butter fry burger buns inside side to get rich golden color. Set them aside.

It is time to build the burger:

 One side of bun smear with sweet potatoes ten other one with  cranberry jam. Then meat patty and color greens mix. In case you want a cheeseburger on a last turn of fry patty add on top favorite cheese.  Serve strait, with chips or with salad on a side
