Turkey & Lamb Meat Patty


Turkey & Lamb Meat Patty

 Products :

  1. Ground Lamb 16 oz and  Ground Turkey 32 oz
  2.  1 onion,3 cloves of garlic,  fresh parsley
  3. 2 eggs, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs 1/2 cup of milk 1/2 cup
  4. Veggie broth, salt pepper, ground coriander, caraway seeds
  5. Cumin, Chili Paprika and Savory

  Cut onion into small cubes, then garlic and fresh parsley.  Pour milk into the bowl with breadcrumbs and stir. Start frying the onions after 2 minutes  add garlic then

 after another 1  minute pour 1/4 cup veggie broth and add salt stir. Wait until all liquid evaporates  then turn off heat and add other 1/4 veggie broth. Set aside

to the  bowl with meat add salt & pepper and remaining spices 1/2 tsp of each. Next add eggs, parsley and soaked breadcrumbs. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour the previously prepared onion. Mix again until you will get smooth meat mass. 

 Now  start  frying meat . Preheat canola oil in a frying pan. Now,  using a wet service spoon, put meat patty on the pan, one by one. Fry them to golden brown color on medium heat, flipping them several times to make sure they are done. Put them aside and give them rest a moment. 

 You can serve them as a dinner. They are perfect with tzatziki sauce  or next day as the meat patty sandwich.